At Ortho Comfort, we strive to provide you with the best and most secure shopping experience. To ensure the safety of your personal and financial data, we utilize Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology. This technology encrypts sensitive information, such as passwords and credit card details, during online transactions. SSL encryption ensures that your personal data is securely protected across all the forms on our website.
We accept several popular and trusted payment methods, primarily credit and debit cards. Before making a purchase, please review the list of accepted payment options below:
Accepted Payment Methods:
Please note that Ortho Comfort reserves the right to amend its payment policy at any time. We recommend checking this page regularly for updates. Should there be any changes to our payment methods, we will update this page accordingly.
Currency and Conversion Fees
All transactions on our website are processed in GBP, EUR, USD. If you are making a purchase from outside this currency zone, your payment provider may apply currency conversion fees. Please check with your bank or payment provider for details on any additional charges.
Contact Us
Phone: + 44 (20) 37699810
Address: Hemelvuur 11, De Meern 3454SP, Utrecht